Vodafone offers 1 GB daily data, unlimited calls to students in Delhi-NCR
Vodafone India is now offering students unlimited calls and 1GB data
daily for 84 days as part of its Vodafone campus survival kit

NEW DELHI: Vodafone India is now offering students unlimited calls and
1GB data daily for 84 days as part of its Vodafone campus survival kit,
the telco said in a statement on Saturday. For this, the telco is
reaching out to students in over 100 colleges.
Vodafone has also set up free Wi-Fi hot spots across north campus
including places such as Hudson Lane and Kamla Nehru market. The telco
presently has more than 110 Wifi hotspots across Delhi-NCR.
“The beginning of college life opens a world of opportunities and
experiences for youngsters. While they want to use their new found
freedom to explore these opportunities, their tight pocket allowance
proves challenging,” said Alok Verma Business Head, Vodafone Delhi-NCR.
“To overcome this challenge, they are always looking for hacks and
shortcuts to be resourceful and live life to the fullest. The campus
survival Kit is an initiative to equip them with the great telco and non
telco deals and innovative value creating hacks to help them sail
through their college life without compromising,” added Verma.
As part of the kit, the telco will also give a messenger bag. Also, the
kit contains a booklet of deals including recharge vouchers, discount
coupons from Ola, Zomato and various other brands.