District Health Society Rajkot Recruitment for Various Posts 2017, Interview Date:
19-07-2017 ~ District Health Society Rajkot has published Advertisement
for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit,
educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to
apply are given below.
Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of
young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great
pride and joy. Therefore all teachers should strive for what can be
considered to be a "good teacher."
Teachers, especially at the elementary level, must be very creative with
their teaching styles. Not every child learns the same way, nor are
they interested in the same things. It is difficult to keep the
attention of 15-20 children under the age of ten. Classroom setup and
design is a good way to get and keep the attention of students.
Workstations are a good way to encourage different types of learning. By
allowing children a chance to choose which activities they want to
participate in, children are taking control of their own education. At
the elementary level, children are always learning and sometimes don't
even know it. When I was in kindergarten, I can remember playing at the
different stations in the classroom.
One station was for gardening and we could plant seeds and check them
every day to see how much they had grown. Another station in that
classroom that sticks out in my mind is the arts and crafts station.
There was a large array of crayons, markers, scissors, construction
paper and building materials we could use to make pretty decorations to
give to our parents for our homes.
Posts Name :
• Pharmacist: 01 Post
• Lab. Technician: 02 Posts
• District Accountant: 01 Post
• Sanitary Inspector: 01 Post
• Lab. Technician: 02 Posts
• District Accountant: 01 Post
• Sanitary Inspector: 01 Post
Total Vacancy: 05
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Procedure to Application : Interested candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to given below address.
Venue: District Program Management Unit, Health Department, Racecourse Chauk, District Panchayat Rajkot.
Selection Process : Candidates will be selected by the Interview.
Walk-in-Interview Date: 19-07-2017