
Education Servay Gujarat Amazing Facts

Education Servay Gujarat Amazing Facts

GujaratStrategically located on the West Coast of India, Gujarat is also a gateway to the rich land-locked northern and central parts of the country. Because of its location on the coast, Gujarat also has access to all major port-based countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, and the Gulf countries .The population of Gujarat is estimated at 60.3 million, which is approximately 4.99% of the Indian population . The literacy rate in Gujarat is on the increase and was 79.31% as per 2011 population census . Of that, male literacy stands at 87.23% while female literacy is at 70.73%, a gender gap of 16.5%. Approximately 43% of the population of Gujarat lives in urban areas . The overall literacy rate is 79%, although there is a difference between urban (88%) and rural areas (73%) .The data from the 2011 census for the SC and ST populations are still not available in the public domain. According to the 2001 census, SC represented 7.1% of the total population of the state, and ST constituted about 15% of the state population . There are 29 notified STs in the state. Gujarat is one of the few states in

 India having high urban concentration of SC. In 2001, 39.3% of the total SC population was registered in urban areas. While SC is found both in urban and rural areas, the ST population in Gujarat is predominantly rural, with 91.8% residing in rural and 8.2% in urban areas .The MMR in Gujarat is estimated to be 148 per 100,000 live births . This is favorable in relation to the India-wide rate of 200. Though Gujarat is an industrially developed state, the MMR of Gujarat is relatively high compared to the states of Tamil Nadu (97/100,000) and Kerala (MMR 8/100,000), whose per capita income is less than Gujarat. In addition, given the disparities in socio-economic measures within the state, and the above-stated importance of these variables in determining maternal health, it is likely that there are significant differences in maternal health outcomes between different. population groups within the state. Furthermore, the interaction between structural determinants such as education, caste and income make it difficult for policymakers to identify where the greatest gaps remain in achieving MDG 5, and reducing health inequities, in Gujarat.Although many studies have used national- and district-level data to analyze the various structural determinants of maternal health, few have attempted to analyze the interaction between these health determinants in order to identify the root cause of health inequity in Indian society (2, 13–15). The purpose of this study was to tease out the relationship between the different sources of inequity in maternal health in the state of Gujarat in order to help policymakers identify the groups that need to be targeted to increase the likelihood of achieving MDG 5 in this state. Analyses are based on the conceptual framework designed by the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health .

AbstractBackgroundTwo decades after the launch of the Safe Motherhood campaign, India still accounts for at least a quarter of maternal death globally. Gujarat is one of the most economically developed states of India, but progress in the social sector has not been commensurate with economic growth. The purpose of this study was to use district-level data to gain a better understanding of equity in access to maternal health care and to draw the attention of the policy planers to monitor equity in maternal care.MethodsSecondary data analyses were performed among 7,534 ever-married women who delivered since January 2004 in the District Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS-3) carried out during 2007–2008 in Gujarat, India. Based on the conceptual framework designed by the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health, associations were assessed between three outcomes – Institutional delivery. antenatal care (ANC), and use of modern contraception – and selected intermediary and structural determinants of health using multiple logistic regression.ResultsInequities in maternal health care utilization persist in Gujarat. Structural determinants like caste group, wealth, and education were all significantly associated with access to the minimum three antenatal care visits, institutional deliveries, and use of any modern method of contraceptive. There is a significant relationship between being poor and access to less utilization of ANC services independent of caste category or residence.Discussion and conclusionsPoverty is the most important determinant of non-use of maternal health services in Gujarat. In addition, social position (i.e. caste) has a strong independent effect on maternal health service use. More focused and targeted efforts towards these disadvantaged groups needs to be taken at policy level in order to achieve targets and goals laid out as per the MDGs. In particular, the Government of Gujarat should invest more in basic education and infrastructural development to begin to remove the structural causes of non-use of maternal health services.Keywords: maternal health, health care utilization, inequity, antenatal care, skilled birth attendance, Gujarat.

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