JEE-Main is a national level entrance exam, through which various deserving students get admission in many renowned engineering colleges. This exam is being conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency) four times (February, March, April, May).

Qualifying students can get admission in BE/ B.Tech/ B.Arch/ B.Plan in many colleges like – IIT, NIT, CFTI etc. Know more details like application form, dates, admit card, answer key, exam results etc.
For the sake of students, read our JEE Main 2021 article. If the registration schedule of JEE Advanced is not carried forward, then JEE Main Result 2021 may be released today (September 13) on Monday. JEE Main Result 2021 session 4 will be released on the official website of National Testing Agency (NTA) at
JEE Main Result, NTA Score Card will also be available on Digilocker. To see the result, students have to first select the latest session and 4th session. To check the result, students will need their application number and date of birth. JEE Main 2021 Answer key (Answer Key)
Institutional answer key for 4th session has been released. Candidates can download the answer key online after the JEE Main 2021 exam is over. The answer key (JEE Main Answer Key) has been released on the website on September 2021 for the 4th session. The provisional answer key will be made available on the website by NTA first.
The final answer key has been released for 8 September 2021 May session. In case of any objection against the answer key, the facility of objection is also provided to the candidates. For this facility, students will have to pay a fee of Rs.200/- and also submit proof to face the challenges.
JEE Main 2021 Result (Exam Result)
JEE Main 2021 result for March session will be declared on 25th March 2021. Candidates can check their exam result (JEE Main Result) through online mode. To know the result, the student has to enter his/her login details on the website.
The results for the third session of JEE Main have been declared by the last week of 7th August 2021. Along with the exam result, students will also be able to download their score card. For 4th session, the exam result will be released in the month of September.
JEE Main 2021 Cut Off
Check Your Result Here
JEE Main 2021 cut off can be checked by the candidates online after the exam. It is very important for students to secure their cut off marks if they want to get admission in IITs, NITs, CFTIs or any other reputed institute.
Also, it will be mandatory for the students to get their category wise cut off to participate in the counseling process.