Why do we say Hello when the phone rings? Learn the interesting story behind saying hello
When the phone rings, the first word that comes out of our mouth is hello. But why we say hello means what it is and how it is used.Why do we say Hello when the phone rings? Learn the interesting story behind saying hello
:The first word that comes out of our mouths is hello. But why we say hello means what it is and how it is used. Technology is evolving today. Everyone from the youngest to the oldest uses the phone. Whether we are sitting at home or in the office, on the road or on the road, we hear people talking on the phone saying hello. Where did the word come from and who first used it? Let us know his whole interesting story.
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When the telephone started ringing, people didn't pick up the phone and say hello. But used another word instead of hello. But over time, that is likely to change. So you will find it normal to say hello. But there is a special reason behind it and it is also an interesting history.
The first message was given in 1876:
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell on March 10, 1876. After the discovery, Alexander Graham Bell first sent a message to his colleague Watson, "Mr. Watson, come here, I need you. Alexander Graham Bell then used the word ahoy instead of hello in a telephone conversation.

Proposed for hello in 1877:
People started using the telephone after it was invented. But then when people talk on the telephone, the first thing they ask is are you there. He said this to find out if his voice could be heard by the person in front of him. But in the year 1877, Thomas Edison proposed to say hello instead of ahoy.
Phone આવે ત્યારે આપણે Hello કેમ બોલીએ છીએ? જાણો હેલો બોલવા પાછળની રસપ્રદ કહાની
The first time Thomas Edison said hello:
Thomas Edison wrote a letter to TB Smith, chairman of the Central District and Printing Telegraph Company of Pittsburgh. Jama introduced the first word "hello" when talking on the telephone. And he only said the word hell when he first called.
Hello means why:
The word hello given by Thomas Edition is still used by people today when they pick up the phone. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word hello is derived from the German word hala. The word comes from the French or German word hola. ‘Hola’ means ‘how are you’. But because of the pronunciation, the word hello came from hola.